Engage with Success © 2010-20 is a trading name for Belle and Beqster Enterprises Ltd
Company No: 08340680
Our registered Company number is 08340680 and VAT number is GB 160 3579 15
Open Leaflet
Personal Edification
If you’re looking to take your life to the next level and improve any area of your life, personal or professional, attending an “Engage with Success” live event can provide you with the preliminary roadmap you need to reach the outcomes you desire. The proven success strategies create a simple to follow, powerful and practical, system for complete success. This often provides a moment of profound self-awareness and your deeper aspirations and true passions are awakened. If you work these principles, set the major goals required to achieve what you want and follow the action-planning system, you can absolutely achieve more in the next three months than you normally would in a year.
By putting yourself in the right environment to learn and accept new ideas, you can begin the transformation of your entire life. Imagine meeting someone that can help you to change your life forever. Each event is literally an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who are often driven, intelligent, and creative. By attending events of this nature, you are likely to find amazing networking opportunities and potential business partners. You will be around people who are extremely successful and yet are still trying to take it to the next level. This can be hard to find in a world where most people want to do just enough and remain in their comfort zone.
Even the worst case scenario is a winning proposition, because you could learn more in a few hours, than most people do in a year, and because this is a live event, the energy is like a concert of positivity. Whilst learning with books, podcasts, and videos is convenient, live seminars can be 100X more influential. It’s almost inevitable that when you leave a keynote presentation or seminar you’ll have far more momentum and drive than ever before. Coworkers, family, and friends will want to know how they can get that type of energy and enthusiasm in their own lives.
Close Up and Personal
There are three main reasons for live events having more influence and inspiration than inanimate forms of learning. Firstly, you’ve made a decision and a commitment to attend the seminar. You took the time to buy the ticket. You may have booked time off work. Perhaps you declined other social obligations. Most importantly, you’ve recognised that you needed change in your life, and now, you’ve shown yourself that you’re committed to making that change.
Secondly, you are immersed in an active learning-environment. If you think back to your school days, you probably learned a little bit of a foreign language each week for an entire year, or more. But, imagine if you moved to a country where that language was spoken all day, every day. Wouldn’t you learn it much faster? The same goes for your own development. Whilst reading a book is a great way to learn, attending a live event means you will be hearing, seeing, writing and feeling the experience - you’ll be in a peak state. Mixing these learning styles whilst you’re in a peak state, ensures your mind is primed to learn and retain more than ever.
Finally, you’ll have the opportunity to observe Paul in a reciprocal arena, which immediately presents you the opportunity to experience his dynamic energy and compassionate nature, and more importantly, you’ll have the freedom required to ask questions and get personalised answers. Others attendees may ask questions that provide useful answers for you, but you can be sure to ask your own questions too. All of the “Engage with Success” programmes are designed to empower you to consistently follow through on what you have learned to create unstoppable momentum. You will learn, you will do, you will live, breathe and apply the principals and strategies until they become part of your everyday success.
Get Motivated, Get Inspired
We are well aware that many people do not have the courage to break out of their comfort zone and into the life they desire, and we certainly don’t claim to have all the answers. However, after thirty years of study, research and personal experimentation, we do have some outstanding resources for creating immediate, measurable and lasting change in the most important areas of your life: your health, your finances, your relationships, your career, your emotions and your time.
Think back to the last time you had a game-changing idea for your life or business. Did it happen when you were scrolling through social media sites or sitting in front of your computer? Or did it happen when you were driving somewhere, in the shower or in a new environment? Almost always, great ideas come to us when we are outside of our normal environment. This is our subconscious mind at work and this is why you can get amazing ideas in the middle of the night or when you’re gardening. You’re not actively thinking about a problem and in a different environment.
Attending a high-performance seminar is like steroids for your brain, it’s almost cheating to be in such a positive, uplifting, and supportive environment. You have no choice but to learn things you wouldn’t normally, not only through immersion but by not getting distracted with the chaos of life or your social media feeds. Because you have already taken the time to attend an event, it’s often the best outlet to hear about discounts on further training.
So, quit worrying about spending money and start thinking of it as an investment in yourself. We hope you take advantage of what Paul has to offer and look forward to meeting you personally at a live event sometime soon.
12 Month
Classic Coaching
One 2 One
This solution-based accountability
keeps you laser-focused, initiating
your momentum and productivity to
forge your best 12 months ever.
Two Part
Apply the system to your career, health
finances and relationships. Immediately
utilise these powerful strategies
and get ready to change your life.
A Weekend
Immerse yourself in a practical 3-day
all-inclusive breakthrough weekend to
optimise your life with a proven
system for ultimate success.
Live Events
encourage you to
with other attendees and Paul. You’ll
be surrounded by like-minded individuals
and have the opportunity to network
with potential business partners.”
Live Events
help you to personally
which can provide moments of profound
self-awareness and your deeper
ambitions and true passions are
often awakened at an event.”
Live Events
create momentum.
yourself by avoiding the four steps to
failure, breaking the chains of
procrastination and developing a
mindset for excellence.”
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