Change is the End Result of All True Learning
Personal development books offer a wealth of knowledge and insights that can help individuals improve themselves and achieve their goals. These books provide practical advice and guidance on a variety of topics such as time management, communication skills, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and goal setting.
By reading personal development books, individuals can gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas where they need to improve, and develop new skills and habits to enhance their personal and professional lives. In addition, personal development books often offer inspirational stories and anecdotes that can motivate and inspire readers to take action and make positive changes in their lives. Overall, reading personal development books is an effective way to invest in oneself, cultivate personal growth, and achieve greater success and fulfillment.
The Success Principles
Jack Canfield – 2005
This book can help you to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realise all your ambitions. It is more than a collection of good ideas, this book spells out the 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history. And the fundamentals are the same no matter what your profession or circumstances. I suggest that you read the book once, and if you enjoy it, set about applying the principles week after week… but you must take action!
The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle – 2001
This book is a transformative guide to spiritual enlightenment, emphasising the importance of living in the present moment. Tolle explains how our minds are often consumed by past regrets and future anxieties, preventing us from experiencing true peace and happiness. By focusing on the “now,” readers can transcend ego-based consciousness, access their deeper selves, and achieve a state of inner calm and fulfillment. The book offers practical advice and exercises for embracing the present.
Wishes Fulfilled
Wayne Dyer – 2012
The book provides an exploration of the highest-self and definitely shows you how you can truly change your concept of self, embark upon a spiritual way of living and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God, all things are possible. By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source.
Mind Power
John Kehoe – 1987
The two primary types of thinking are critical thinking and creative thinking. Critical thinking relies on logic and comes from the conscious mind. Creative thinking relies on imagination and comes from the subconscious mind. In “Mind Power into the 21st Century”, Kehoe explains how to harness the power of the subconscious mind. He suggests that you become whatever you consistently think about. For example, confident thoughts create a confident person. We must change our thoughts if we wish to change our self-image.
Breaking the Habit of…
Joe Dispenza – 2013
Through evidence-based practices, this book teaches us how to become the person we want to be. Humans subconsciously have self-defeating habits which prevent us from realising our full potential. To break the habit of being yourself, you’ll need to change your subconscious thoughts and habits. You can make changes to improve your life dramatically. By bridging science and spirituality, the book offers unique tools to spur lasting change on the path to growth and development.
The Artist’s Way
Julia Cameron – 1996
The seminal book on the subject of creativity. It’s an international bestseller, millions of readers have found it to be an invaluable guide to living the artist’s life. Still as vital today – or perhaps even more so – than it was when it was first published. It is a powerfully provocative and inspiring work, republished in 2006 with a a new introduction. Cameron reflects upon the impact of “The Artists’ Way” and describes the work she has done during since it’s inception, providing new insights into the creative process.
Infinite Possibilities
Mike Dooley – 2010
The book is the master work from teacher, author and speaker, Mike Dooley. He clearly knows that we create our own reality, our own fate, and our own luck. We are beings filled with infinite possibility, ready to explore how powerful we truly are. Manifesting dreams shouldn’t be hard work, it’s about belief and expectation. Dreams are not accidental, nor inconsequential. If someone were to tell us the truth about life, reality and the powers we all possess, would it be recognised? You’re very likely to be inspired by this work.
Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Butts
Peter McWilliams – 1991
Part of the Life 101 series. McWilliams suggests that often, when we are faced with new, exciting opportunities, which might expand our capabilities anDd move us ever-closer to living our dreams… we respond with “Yes” or “But”, and some people have even merged the words into “Yes-But”, and then ignore the chance of a lifetime. This book assists and inspires the reader to get off their “buts” in a simple, humorous and down-to-earth manner. A guide to setting and achieving goals, outlining steps and providing motivation.
The Greatest Secret
Rhonda Byrne – 2020
“The Greatest Secret” by Rhonda Byrne unveils the profound truth that has the power to transform lives. Building on the principles of her previous work, “The Secret,” Byrne delves deeper into the spiritual nature of consciousness and self-awareness. The book guides readers to discover their true essence, encouraging a shift from negative thoughts to a powerful state of peace and joy. Through insights and teachings from various spiritual leaders, Byrne offers a roadmap to lasting happiness and freedom.
Positive Intelligence
Shirzad Chamine – 2012
By merging theories from science, positive psychology and coaching, this Neuroscientist defines our “Positive Intelligence Quotient” (PQ) as “the percentage of time our mind acts as a friend rather than our enemy.” He explains how to achieve higher performance, greater happiness and less stress. Our PQ score depends on which mental forces dominate – our “Saboteurs” or our “Sage.” Many books advocate the idea of positive thinking, but this book repackages it for personal and professional application.
The Values Factor
Dr John Demartini – 2013
The Values Factor shows you how to create a life in which every minute can be inspiring and fulfilling. The first step is to identify what you find most meaningful the values in life that are most important to you. Once you understand your own unique values and align your life accordingly, you can achieve fulfillment in every aspect of your life: deepening your loving relationships, creating an inspiring career, establishing financial freedom, and tapping into a rich spiritual life. Find out what you value most.
The 11 Forgotten Laws
Bob Proctor – 2014
“The 11 Forgotten Laws” is said to have helped thousands of people completely transform their lives. Written by Mary Morrissey and Bob Proctor, the course is designed as an expansion of “Working with the Law”, written by Raymond Holliwell. The 11 Forgotten Laws builds on the premise of “The Secret” and the laws are classed as “forgotten” because only very few people are aware of them. But, can it really enrich your life as thousands of other say? Or is there a reason why these laws were forgotten in the first place?
Be Yourself
Lynda Field – 2010
A source of inspiration for those who are so busy trying to get their lives ‘sorted’ that they have forgotten their true purpose. The demands of the material world can keep us rushing about, until we find ourselves going round and round in circles. Excessive activity can make our daily reality feel like a relentless routine. To lead a meaningful and happy life we need to develop our inner strengths and qualities and we do this by balancing our ‘doing’ and our ‘being’. Learn to be active but aware and conscious of the present moment.
Change Your LIfe with NLP
Lindsey Agness – 2010
It doesn’t matter how your life has been so far. It doesn’t matter what’s happened in the past. All that matters is now. Change can happen in an instant and making changes, even really big ones, can be much less scary than you might imagine. All you need is to change your thinking – and this book explains how. “Change Your Life with NLP” uses powerful tools and techniques from the tried and tested field of neuro- linguistic programming to reveal how you’ve got to where you are and what might be holding you back from your desired life.
Robert Lanza – 2010
Respected Scientist and renowned Astronomer come together to produce a revolutionary view of the universe. Building on quantum physics, “Biocentrism” turns our world view upside down with the idea that life creates the universe instead of the other way around. The central claim of “Biocentrism” is that what we call space and time are forms of animal perceptions rather than external physical objects. It takes readers on a fascinating journey that will alter their perception of reality for ever. Riveting concepts. Give it a go!
Fulfilment of Desire
Deepak Chopra – 2004
This ground-breaking book from Deepak Chopra contains a dramatic premise: Not only are everyday coincidences meaningful, they actually provide us with glimpses of the field of infinite possibilities that lies at the heart of all things. By gaining access to this wellspring of creation, we can literally rewrite our destinies in any way we wish. From this realm of pure potential we are connected to everything that exists and everything that is yet to come. “Coincidences” can then be recognized as precious clues about our lives.
The Missing Link
Sydney Banks – 1998
This book illuminates and creates an appreciation for the mystical link between the psychological and spiritual nature of life. It reveals a simplicity beneath the complex workings of the mind and the principles behind the creation of our life experience. Banks was a philosopher, author and lecturer, born in Scotland. For nearly 40 years, he lectured at universities and clinics in the US, Canada and Europe, sharing his unique philosophy and perception, which he called “The Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought”.
Richard Bach – 1977
The books full title is “Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah”. It’s a mystical adventure story about two barnstorming pilots who meet in a field in mid-west America. The book can be interpreted as an entertaining story about miracles, or as a quizzical look at the way in which many of us could live. It questions the reader’s view of reality, proposing that what we call reality is merely an illusion we create for learning and enjoyment. It It serves as a companion book to “Jonathon Livingston Seagull”, also by Bach.
Somebody Should Have Told Us
Jack Pransky – 2011
This book suggests that we all have a state of perfect mental health and wisdom inside us which can only be covered up by our own thinking, and how our use of our power of thought creates the “reality” we see, out of which we then think, feel and act. It offers ten simple but profound truths for living well, arising from three spiritual facts that, once grasped or truly realised, can transform your life. This book has the ability to spawn insights that change the lives of those who understand the simple, yet profound wisdom contained within it.
Happiness is Free
Lester Levenson – 2011
“Happiness is Free” is filled with profound insights and practical tools that will guide you to let go of painful feelings, unwanted thoughts, and negative stories and naturally open us to the happiness and unlimited potential that is within you right now. And it’s easier than you think, with simple but powerful questions for self-inquiry and effective technique which can empower you to gently let go of what, just a moment ago, seemed like an unsolvable issue or overwhelming emotion – anything from anger and frustration, to fear and stress.
The Chimp Paradox
Prof Steve Peters – 2015
The Chimp Mind Management Model is based on scientific facts and principles, which have been simplified into a workable model for easy use. It will help you to develop yourself and give you the skills, for example, to remove anxiety, have confidence and choose your emotions. The book will do this by giving you an understanding of the way in which your mind works and how you can manage it. It will also help you to identify what is holding you back or preventing you from having a happier and more successful life. Become the person you would like to be.
Start Now, Get Perfect Later
Rob Moore – 2018
Hardly anyone gets it right the first time, but many of us are crippled by indecision and fear of failure. The desire to get it right can inhibit us from getting started. In this book Rob Moore, the bestselling author of “Money” and “Life Leverage”, shows that the quickest way to perfect is starting right now and improving as you go. This book will show you how to launch your business or idea, begin the next phase of your career, overcome self-doubt and breakthrough your comfort zone. So why not get perfect later, and get started right now? Let’s go!
Effortless Being
David Bingham – 2024
The Chimp Mind Management Model is based on scientific facts and principles, which have been simplified into a workable model for easy use. It will help you to develop yourself and give you the skills, for example, to remove anxiety, have confidence and choose your emotions. The book will do this by giving you an understanding of the way in which your mind works and how you can manage it. It will also help you to identify what is holding you back or preventing you from having a happier and more successful life. Become the person you would like to be.
A Course in Miracles Made Easy
Alan Cohen – 2015
Hardly anyone gets it right the first time, but many of us are crippled by indecision and fear of failure. The desire to get it right can inhibit us from getting started. In this book Rob Moore, the bestselling author of “Money” and “Life Leverage”, shows that the quickest way to perfect is starting right now and improving as you go. This book will show you how to launch your business or idea, begin the next phase of your career, overcome self-doubt and breakthrough your comfort zone. So why not get perfect later, and get started right now? Let’s go!
Eat That Frog
Brian Tracy – 2002
There’s an old saying that if the first thing you do in the morning is to eat a live frog, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that it’s probably the worst thing you’ll do all day. “Eat That Frog” takes this saying as a metaphor for tackling the most challenging task of your day – the one you are most likely to procrastinate on, but also probably the one that will have the greatest positive impact on your life. Bestselling author Brian Tracy shows how successful people don’t try to do everything, but instead focus on the most important tasks.
The Secret
Rhonda Byrne – 2006
“The Secret” sold more than 35 million copies around the world and propelled the concept of “The Law of Attraction” into mainstream bookstores, albeit by simplifying the core principle of “like attracts like.” It conveys the idea that achieving one’s desires simply involves the ability to “ask, believe and receive.” This approach left a significant number of readers disappointed because it didn’t work for them. There is no mention of the commitment required to overcome your limiting beliefs, negative self-talk and habitual thinking.
Anthony De Mello – 1997
At the heart of Anthony de Mello’s bestselling spiritual message is a wake-up call for anyone asking the big questions about life. The book is a psychological insight, written in short chapters for reading in quiet moments at home or at the office. De Mello cajoles and challenges our need to leave this go-go-go world of illusion and become aware! This only happens, he insists, by becoming alive to the needs and potential of others, whether at home or in the workplace. A masterful book of the spirit, challenging us to wake up and live our lives.
Atomic Habits
James Clear – 2018
‘Atomic Habits’ is a practical guide on developing sustainable habits. It encourages small consistent changes that can lead to immense personal growth. An atomic habit is a regular practice that is small and easy to do, but the source of incredible power; a component of the system of compound growth. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again because you have the wrong system for change. Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you are willing to stick with them long term.
Waking Up
Sam Harris – 2015
‘Waking Up’ explores g the spirituality through a secular lens, offering insights into consciousness, mindfulness and self-transcendence without relying on religion. Harris argues that the self is an illusion and that, understanding this can lead to profound freedom and clarity. Combining neuroscience, philosophy and meditation practices, he provides a practical guide for achieving spiritual awakening. The book bridges science and spirituality, encouraging readers to cultivate presence, explore their minds and live with greater awareness.
The Biology of Belief
Bruce Lipton – 2010
‘Atomic Habits’ explores the transformative power of thoughts and beliefs on biology, challenging traditional views of genetic determinism. Lipton, a cell biologist, explains how the environment, perceptions, and consciousness influence gene expression and health. The book integrates science and spirituality, showing how positive beliefs and emotional states can reprogram cellular behaviour. Through this lens, Lipton empowers readers to take control of their health and well-being by shifting their mindset and perceptions.
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