Conscious Breathing

Focus the mind for alpha state and self-realisation
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Present Moment Awareness

A healthy mind is crucial for achieving success in any aspect of life. Mastering a positive mindset through practices such as conscious breathing, mindfulness and meditation can help in boosting motivation and the manifestation of your goals. This is the ultimate destination for exploring the inner workings of your mind, unlocking the secrets to cultivating a success mindset, and igniting your personal growth for lasting inner peace.

Through immersive workshops you will experience the synergy of breathwork, mindfulness and meditation as catalysts for your mental resilience and profound transformation. You’ll be guided on a path to embrace the present moment, master your mind and cultivate emotional management.

I often present live broadcasts across social media platforms. But if you miss a session, you can always listen to the recordings on YouTube and enjoy a sense of total peace and contentment. You’re likely to feel free from worries and distractions whilst becoming fully immersed in the present moment. Metaphysical insights can provide a deeper comprehension of the nature of reality and the underlying principles that govern it, leading to a more profound appreciation of life and a more meaningful existence.

Monika W says...

We are all prisoners of our own mindset and must watch out for mind traps. Brainstorming with the team was excellent and the activities were great, getting everyone to engage and discuss ideas.

Martyn T says...

I loved the live event and felt an overwhelming calm feeling from it, relaxing me after a day of aches and pains. I’ve been using mindfulness, alongside some other techniques to help me this past year, and this session has been so helpful. I can’t wait for future sessions!

Saqib N says...

I wanted to do something like this for some time.

Karen R says...

The breathing exercises are working for me. I am more confident in going out and meeting people and am feeling much better. l love my life. I recommend this to everyone. Thank you!

Unlock the Power Within

The benefits of conscious breathing are huge, wide-ranging and now, scientifically proven. If you type ‘breathwork’ into Google you will get around 64 million results. That’s because this simple practice can improve many areas of your life, from the improvement of mental health to physical well-being, because mindfulness helps place a check on automatic reactions and enables you to listen more effectively.

You could improve your memory, reduce levels of stress and anxiety, enhance sleep, promote well-being, boost productivity and increase your creativity. Mindfulness can help you to accept troublesome thoughts and emotions, allowing you to let go of them before they have a negative impact on your personal life, your work, or even your eating habits. What consumes your mind, will control your life!

The first step to happiness is self-recognition

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Become Positively Mindful

Conscious breathwork is a term that encompasses “self-recognition” and therefore, I suggest that you adopt a universal approach to your breathing practice. It involves illuminating all aspects of your life and being, rather than simply treating it as a quick stress reliever or performance enhancer that you do for a mere 15 minutes a day. In my classes, I encourage the incorporation of playfulness, presence, patience, and positivity. Breathwork entails choosing to embrace your experiences through your senses, rather than resisting or denying them, and relishing the emotions that arise, fostering a greater sense of awareness.


You could:

– Notice a spontaneous source of creativity trying to leap out from within, which is beyond your comprehension

– Become more aware of yourself in the present moment, changing everything about your life in the most profound ways

– Feel centred by fully re-uniting with the present moment and experience the peace and equanimity that exists within it

– Realised that slowing down isn’t just wonderful, it’s our natural way of life and most conducive to our health and happiness

– Enjoy the lifestyle, travel, weekends and leisure pursuits you always dreamed of

– Understand that a keen and non-judgemental self-awareness is the key to thriving in life

– Find a helpful tool for many areas of your life including; anxiety, parenting, eating, creativity, relationships, work and play


Enjoy control over your awareness and you will begin to create your future

This is a common enemy you can conquer
Let's TalkQuestions?
Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.
American Board of NLP certified
Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.
Jack Canfield Trainer certified
Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.
Pro Member of IICT
Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.