Midlife Momentum

Make the second half of your life the best half of your life

Uncharted Territory

Midlife can feel like standing at a crossroads, reflecting on past choices and anticipating the future. Many men find this phase daunting, facing questions about identity, purpose, and ambition. But Midlife Momentum isn’t about crisis; it’s about transformation. It’s about how you can navigate this phase and make it the most rewarding part of your life.

If you’re feeling stuck during midlife, you’re not alone. You might be rethinking your career, feeling unfulfilled in your personal life, or dealing with responsibilities like aging parents and independent children. Financial worries, declining health, unmet goals, and existential questions can weigh heavily, often leading to emotional turmoil and self-reflection on what truly matters.

Clive O says...

10/10. So much content was covered, ensuring you dig deep within. Paul’s delivery is amazing. The whole course has been fantastic. Paul has a unique way to bring the best out in you and believing in yourself. Great interaction with others on the course. Paul involves everyone and encouraged us to interact.

Darren F says...

I endorse Paul as a Life Coach. He is uplifting and encouraging, and never overbearing or judgemental. If you want to be more connected and fulfilled in your life, then “Engage with Success” is like a sat-nav showing the way. All we need is to be willing to take the wheel-of-our-lives and drive. A superb all-round experience.

Jordan A says...

Paul was enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and over-delivered on time and value. I was looking for someone to help me with my career and Paul guided me with self-reflection to really drill down to where I want to take my life. He also helped me to identify and remove limiting beliefs from childhood that I didn’t even know were there. I have identified my purpose and I have a plan for how I can live it.

Patrick M says...

Paul has been a game changer for me! He’s gone above and beyond as a coach and mentor and has played an integral part in my success and growth as a husband, dad, professional, and person overall. I love this guy! He’ll always hold a special spot in my heart. God bless!

Jeff A says...

Wowzer! I learned that I need to be more open about where I need to grow as a person, at work and outside the workplace. The content was excellent, engaging and clear. Five stars!

Muzaffar H says...

Loved Paul’s real life examples, would have loved the workshop to be longer.

Midlife Masterclass

The masterclass offers a dynamic approach to guide you through a transformative midlife journey, helping you get motivated, mobilised and into momentum, paving the way for an exciting and fulfilling future.

Throughout this structured process, you ignite motivation by connecting with your deeper desires and aspirations. The clear roadmap and coaching support gets you mobilised, and by celebrating your progress and navigating challenges, you build a powerful momentum. By following these steps, you are no longer dreaming about a fulfilling second half of your life; you are actively working towards making it a reality, ultimately leading to the materialisation of your goals and aspirations. This journey is not just about reaching a destination but about becoming the best version of yourself along the way. Get your copy of the masterclass now.

Your midlife years are the bridge between who you were and who you want to become

MasterclassAction Guide

Fast Action Guide

Midlife often brings introspection and uncertainty, commonly called a midlife crisis. However, with the right strategies, this phase can be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. This guide outlines four key approaches to navigate this transition gracefully, each offering ten strategies. Explore them all, choose what resonates and experiment to find what works best for you.

Pivot and embrace change as a natural part of life, releasing resistance and opening up to new opportunities. Then Pause and prioritise self-care to maintain well-being through activities that nourish your mind, body and soul. Passion provides an opportunity to reflect on and reconnect with your passions to find clarity and direction. And finally Possibility will have you challenging societal norms, viewing midlife as a time of opportunity and a time to celebrate the wisdom that comes with age.

Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.

The Midlife Years
Provide the Perfect

Launch Pad

for the exploration of uncharted territories, re-inventing yourself and pursuing ambitious goals. Make the second half of your life, the best half of your life.

Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.

Master Your Thoughts
and Subconscious Mind

Mission Control

is about overcoming limiting beliefs and broadening your thought processes with practical exercises for mind mastery and emotional management.

Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.

Ready and Committed
3, 2, 1 You’ll Have

Lift Off

The essential rocket fuel needed to create sufficient momentum to turn planning into action, fostering substantial personal and professional growth.

Lost in Space

Entering midlife can feel like you’re lost in space, filled with introspection and uncertainty. You might question your career, personal life, and overall purpose. If you’re new to my services and unsure about your next steps, start by downloading my handbooks for just £1. These provide valuable insights on managing stress, redefining success, reconnecting with passions, and finding new purpose.

However, real progress comes from actively engaging with your journey. For just £10, my masterclass offers practical insights and guidance to help you embrace change, prioritise self-care, and view midlife as a time of renewal. Begin your journey today.

Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.

Lost your zest for life? Midlife stress hitting you hard? Don’t worry, I’ve got you back! Check out my 10 top tips to re-ignite your passion for living and reclaim your mojo!

From embracing new experiences to prioritising self-care, there simple yet powerful strategies will have you feeling alive and unstoppable again! 

Say goodbye to the midlife slump and hello to a life filled with joy, purpose and fulfilment. Let’s do this fellas! Midlife Momentum is about to begin.

Within the pages of this handbook, you’ll discover 10 simple, yet powerful tips that can help you re-ignite your passion for life and rediscover the joy and fulfilment that you deserve. These are not lofty goals or unattainable dreams; rather, they are practical strategies that you can start implementing in your life today.

Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.

Entering midlife marks a crucial chapter in a man’s journey, bringing emotional and mental changes that pave the way for personal growth and fulfilmentRather than viewing this period as a crisis, it’s an opportunity for transformation and renewed vitality.

Midlife fosters heightened self-awareness, empowering men to embrace their authentic selves and gain clarity on values and priorities. It emphasises meaningful connections with loved ones and deeper bonds with friends and family.

Pursue new passions, creative endeavours and aspirational challenges, infusing life with vitality and enthusiasm. Midlife brings wisdom and resilience, allowing you to navigate challenges with grace and optimism. Gain confidence, knowing the best is yet to come.

It’s Good to Talk

A simple chat on the phone is the best way to tell me exactly what you would like help in achieving, and for you to determine, if I am the right certified coach to get you on track.

Request your complimentary, fifteen minute Discovery Call today. There are no obligations for you to participate in coaching afterwards. Check out this guide which provides five simple steps to help you choose the right coach.

Mindset is the rocket fuel which propels you to the stratosphere of excellence

MasterclassCoach Guide


A significant part of my business is driven by referrals. If you know someone in their midlife years that would like to make the second half of their life the best half of their life, let them know that I offer a complimentary, 15-minute Discovery call with no obligation to participate in a coaching programme.

Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.
American Board of NLP certified
Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.
Jack Canfield Trainer certified
Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.
Pro Member of IICT
Engage with Success. Paul Becque. Certified Mindset Trainer, Transformational Coach and Speaker.