The Value of Changing Your Perspective
The thing to know about perspectives is that every single individual on the planet has a relatively unique point of view, which encompasses their own individual experiences and situations. While it’s true that some people cross over and come to the same conclusions based on their lives and experiences, the way in which they got there is totally unique to them. For this reason, and the unconscious biases that can accompany any one perspective, it’s valuable to learn to change perspective before making final decisions. Once you understand the value of changing your perspective, you can use this in all life areas.
Enjoy a Better Understanding
When you seek knowledge from every angle, getting information from different sources, you will gain a much better understanding of the problem and its solutions.
Change Your Feelings
Hearing from someone else about an issue can even change your feelings about it, despite your own internal biases due to your own personal perspective.
Improve Your Relationships
Being open to other perspectives and points of view automatically makes you a safe person to be around for the people in your life. If you’re not judgmental and you listen, your relationships will be deeper.
Overcome Biases
Every single person on the earth has unconscious biases about everything due to their own perspective. When you are able to look at other people’s perspectives, sometimes you can overcome your biases and thus make much better choices based on the real facts because, sadly, our own perspective sometimes can be clouded and not factual.
Resolve Conflict Constructively
One of the best skills you can develop if you need to resolve conflicts on a regular basis is to be able to argue issues from other people’s perspectives. When you can do that, you can usually come to win-win conclusions.
Solve More Problems Successfully
A person who can go outside of their comfort zone to collect and listen to many perspectives about a problem that needs to be solved they’re more likely to find a solution. That is why choosing diverse teams is essential to business success.
Become a More Persuasive Person
The fact that you can look at and understand many perspectives as well as explain issues from these different points of view means that you’ll be able to argue much more persuasively because you can use words that relate to the people you want to persuade.
Being able to look at any issue from many different sides such as yours, other people, and an expert – is the best way to enjoy a better understanding of anything. Learning from this method will also help you become a more persuasive person so you can get more done because of your ability to look at things from someone else’s point of view. *
How do people see me differently than I see myself?
Am I open-minded?
Can I be easily persuaded?
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